Monday, April 12, 2010

"tubes" at CDG.

Bon nuit. Counting the days until the next visit.

A magical day indeed!

Unbelievably good!

With some roasted tomatoes. Excellent! Perfect last night in Paris.

Curieux Spaghetti+Bar for dinner

Love their pasta!

Still celebrating! :)

A little musical seranade along the Seine as I head out to dinner.

What's going on?

Tons of police all around Hotel de Ville. Who is meeting inside? And
why don't our police uniforms look as good?

Monday afternoon at Hotel de Ville. Beautiful day.

Plat du jour

Inside at Le Philosophe. Chilly and some wind outside. Wonderfully
warm inside!

Metro metro metro

Riding all around. Heading towards Les Halles now.


Man to Me as I am slowly going down steps as he was slowly climbing:
"Le Marathon?" "Oui", I replied, "Le Marathon?" "Oui", he replied.

Red Bull smoothies?!

No, I did not get one.

Place du tetre. Touristy but still wonderful.

Bon Jour!

Inside Sacre Cour

Tired paraders take a break. :)

Magical day in Paris continues.

When you feel on top of the world, why not go to the top of the world.

The musicians leading the parade. Complete with a tamborine and occasional kazoo.


What fun to be a child in Paris

Tres jolie.

Enfants on parade!



Heading up to Monmarte! Steps will be tough on my marathon legs but
good for me.

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Saturday, April 10, 2010

Standing in Etoile!

Cold at start and windy. But clear and sunny!


Heading out to run Paris!

Love this!

Hotel door decoration.

My hotel door decorated by Paris friends of Katharine Moore! How fun!

Another survivor running!

Don Armstrong and me! Two survivors running the Paris marathon.

Speaking at the Dinner

A huge honor. 1.3 million raised by the Paris TNT runners. My
fundraisers and I were #2 in donations with $21,300 so far! Hearty
thanks to all!

Podium view

Practicing for my talk at tonight's inspiration dinner. Celebrating
10 years.

Lunch at Le Philosophe!

Have I said yet how much I love Paris?

5k finishers! Beautiful streets. So ready for tomorrow!!

Friday, April 9, 2010

New friends!

Saturday morning fun run!

Perfect morning! 24 hours until the big one!

Coolest running gloves ever!

Don't plan on needing them until fall but couldn't resist them!