Sunday, September 9, 2018

What a trip! Fell in love with Ireland. So glad I stopped by and had a look!

Fish and Chips at the Glen Tavern in Limerick. Ate there both nights. Best pub food ever!

The Cliffs of Moher were also a little terrifying!

Feeling on top of the world!

Hiking around the Cliffs of Moher.

Cliffs of Moher

Cliffs of Moher. My initial views.

Arriving at the Cliffs of Moher!

The Burren in County Clare.

Poulnabrone Dolmen

Poulnabrone Dolmen ancient tomb in the Burren - around 3000 BC.

Depiction of life in the fort

Caherconnell ancient stonefort dating to 3000 BC

Local flavors at the Milk Market

Heather for sale

Saturday market fisherman. He spent Friday out on the sea.

Saturday morning at the Limerick Milk Market

Monument honoring the Limerick dock workers along the Shannon River

Post castle your coffee stop view

Castle views

Seeing how details are chiseled out of stone

Inside King John's Castle

Exhibitions before entering King John's Castle

A Norman Norman!

Friday, September 7, 2018

So long, Killarney! Next stop is Limerick.

Post run Irish breakfast.

Surprised this guy and his friends in Killarney National Park.

Halfway point for my run was Ross Castle.

Friday morning run by St. Mary Cathedral and then into Killarney National Park.

End of a great day in Killarney!

Corner seat at the bar of the Laurels restaurant, enjoying Irish bacon and cabbage, washed down with a local lager.

A little more Irish shopping.

A cappuccino to warm up after the boat and bike back in a light drizzle.

Done! What a blast - and a great hill leg workout.

Arriving at Ross Castle.

Passing Monastery ruins, used from the 1100s until the 1500s when closed down by the English.

Leaving Muckross Lake and entering Lough Leane (lower lake).

On the red boat heading across the three lakes.

Almost at Lord Brandon's Cottage. What a cool ride!

Beautiful Ireland.

Soaking in the gorgeous views.

The Gap!

The Gap of Dunloe.

On the Gap trail.